Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My real long-term relationship

This is my baby.  We finally got everything set up and moved her over to this side of the state a couple weeks ago.  Now I can make one of my favorite bad jokes again:  she's outstanding in her field.  Get it?? Her field.

I've been spending a lot of time outside with her - brushing her (it's shedding season) and walking her around and riding her.  She's a little weirded out sometimes since she lived in one place for so long, but I've had her since I was fifteen and we know each other pretty well by now.  She'll get used to it, I think.  She's certainly gotten used to how green the grass is over here.

I'm trying to keep my blog focused on work lately but sometimes I have to concede that other things have gotten in the way.  Boo is one of those things.  Migraines are another.  I don't want to spend a lot of time complaining about them but I don't get much work done when I have one.  I hate feeling bored and wishing I were painting but unable to paint.  

Ok, I think I need to end this on a more cheerful note.  In between other things, I've got some more canvases mounted on boards and almost finished priming.  I'll get started on those soon.


belinda marshall said...

you must be happy to have her nearby. sorry to hear about your migranes, can believe you would get nothing done!

if you want to play the mini interview, have tagged you :)

Dee said...

She's a real beauty, I was lucky enough to own a horse in my youth and have some very fond memories of it. Thanks for dropping by my blog and your lovely comments.

Janelle said...

She's 26 this year and I've had her for 14 years, so she actually is the horse from my youth :) And thanks for stopping by!
